What is invisible labor?

Invisible Labor is defined as unpaid, underpaid or unrecognized work by women at home, at their job or in the community.

After working with women for over twenty years I have been hearing my clients tell me β€œSomething is wrong with me, I can’t juggle all the things”. They share their high-stress lives, and their internalized belief that they are flawed; not measuring up at home or at their job. I get it.

I have over-functioned without realizing it too. I have been conditioned by capitalism and patriarchy like everyone else and have been underwater by invisible labor. I have had to β€œun-learn” that before adopting a feminist framework to business I needed to address invisible labor in my life. -Elizabeth

What Does Invisible Labor Look Like?

Are you curious about how this adds up for you?

Check out Amy Westervelt’s Inventory of Invisible Labor to help you tally your unpaid working hours. Reclaim some of your time, you deserve it.

Introducing the 7-Day Burnout and Sustainability Inventory

This 7-day Inventory is an email series that provides a reflective space for you to understand where you are in relationship to yourself, your life, and your work.

Each day you'll receive an email reminder to complete your daily practice.