7 Day Burnout and Sustainability Inventory

We want to offer you a practice of self assessment. This understanding can help you better take charge in your life. Through the inventory process, you will receive daily prompts from us to your inbox nudging you to record your daily experiences to better acquaint yourself on how you’re feeling in connection to work & life. Watch what happens when you build your self-awareness.

Pro Tip: Attach this practice with another daily activity like brushing your teeth & record findings in notes app or journal.

Here are some ways to consider the terms used in your daily practice:


  • Fatigue

  • Detached or negative thinking

  • Energy depletion

  • Decreased motivation or efficacy


  • A full internal battery

  • Noticing feeling safe or good in your body

  • Energy to give out to others

  • Stable mood


  • Individual needs met

  • Promotion of community needs

  • Environmental care

  • Consideration for our legacy


  • Able to make changes 

  • Empowerment 

  • Sense of control 

  • Choices around thoughts and behaviors